Valentine’s Update

This Valentine’s Day, let Accutrainee find YOUR perfect Lobster…

PHOEBE: “C’mon you guys. It’s a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life. You know what, you can actually see old lobster couples walkin’ around their tank, ya know, holding claws like…”

Quality and diversity are what make Accutrainee tick. We are extremely considerate and selective about the candidates we put forward to clients offering quality assurance to our shortlists.  Here is a selection of some of our current paralegals, trainees and lawyers available to assist you and your team:


Candidate A (Trainee)

A-Levels: AA*A*, Degree: University of Nottingham, LLB, 2:1; SQE1: Completed. Candidate A has strong commercial contracts experience having worked as a litigation paralegal in the litigation team at a global telecommunications company. He previously acquired experience at a Silver Circle firm where he was able to develop his understanding in mergers and acquisitions. He has further solid commercial in-house experience under his belt from his Accutrainee seat. Candidate A came across as balanced and considered during assessments. He is a motivated candidate who has proved his willingness to work hard to meet tight deadlines.

Candidate B (Trainee)

International Baccalaureate: 40; Degree: University of Bristol, LLB, 2:1. Candidate B comes across as bright, competent, confident and engaging with a strong academic background and international outlook. Candidate B is highly articulate and able to think on his feet. He displayed an impressive level of commercial awareness and attention to detail during Accutrainee’s selection process and was able to ask and answer challenging questions throughout.


Candidate C (Paralegal)

A-Levels: A*AA; Degree: University of Durham, LLB, 2:1; LLM with SQE: In Progress. Candidate C comes across as very confident and demonstrates maturity and professionalism. He has good experience under his belt and is keen to progress in his career, ideally in a commercial environment. Candidate C is interested in the areas of financial services and technology.

Candidate D (Paralegal)

A Levels: A*AA EPQ: A; Degree: University of Sheffield, LLB Law European & International, First; Post Graduate Degree: KCL, LLM International Business Law, Distinction. Candidate D is bright and has a solid academic record. He comes across as diligent and eager to gain paralegal experience before starting a training contract with a Silver Circle firm in September 2023.


Candidate E (Lawyer)

A-Levels: AAB; Degree: University of Southampton, LLB, 2:1; LPC: Distinction; Media Law and Business Affairs Diploma: Commendation. Candidate E is currently completing her final seat in an international law firm, where she gained two consecutive placement extensions, in the corporate transactions team and with an in-house client. Prior to this, she completed her first seat in a US firm focusing on trade finance and banking. Candidate E is professional, polished and demonstrated an excellent work ethic. She is proficient at business level in French.

Candidate F (Lawyer)

A-Levels: ABB; Degree: Aston University, LLB, 2:1; LPC LLM in Professional Legal Practice: Commendation. Candidate F has strong presentation skills and is able to communicate in an effective and engaging manner. She is a conscientious, professional and hardworking candidate. She completed her training contract in a housing company with seats in corporate, regulatory and compliance, procurement and development.

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